If you are a regular gym goer, January is your least favorite month. It is filled with folks who are making a start on their New Year’s resolution. By February normalcy is back and the few who succeeded in their resolution are now regulars. Most missed the mark on their resolution.

What is your record on New Year’s resolutions? Gallup has documented it at less than 50%. Is there a better way?

I was introduced to the book One Word That Will Change Your Life by one of the authors, Jimmy Page. The concept is to replace resolutions and goals with “One Word” to give yourself the focus, clarity, and passion for pursuing what you are after.

In my coaching practice I constantly seek methods for clients to gain clarity. Clarity with their vision, where they are, and the path they are traveling. Why? Because, clarity brings out the best in individuals and provides focus for their purpose.

Does the “One Word” process work? I have personally succeeded and witnessed clients  who have significant success. The “One Word” was a constant reminder of personal and professional purpose. Think, the needle on a compass.

So how does it work? Here is a quick summary of the process with my interpretation.

The first of three stages:  Look inward. Choosing your word takes some time and reflection. Separate yourself and reflect on what is important to you and why. For me I call this “My Intent”. What is my intent for this year?

This process could take several weeks revisiting the topic. The authors use three questions as a guide:

  • What do I need?
  • What is in my way?
  • What do I need to let go?

The next phase is to look upward to what your spirituality tells you. For some that will be based on your religion for others it is where you get your spiritual energy. This reflection on my purpose coupled with looking inward reveals several words for me that I then narrow down to one.

Choose your word and write it down: __________________

Last is looking outward, living your word and putting it into action.